Adding Notifications

The notification feed is meant to facilitate the rapid sharing of actionable, tactical level intelligence.

The feed is a sorted list of events and information that you upload. Anyone in your company, including associates, suppliers (vendors), and agents, can view and upload an event. This gives all users the ability to quickly share information that might affect employee safety, transportation plans, or a site.

Once an event is added, it is sent to the administrator for approval and will not appear in the feed until the administrator edits and approves it. Only Administrators can edit, remove, and archive an event.

Notifications added to the feed are also automatically added to the situation map.

Add Notifications

  • Click on the “submit notification” button on your dashboard.

  • Fill in the requested information.

    • Add a link to the source (recommended but not required).

    • Select the region(s) and country(s) as search parameters.

    • Enter geo coordinates (i.e. copy and paste from google maps or another mapping system).

    • Click submit.

An email notification is sent to all administrators when a notification is uploaded. Only administrators can approve an event and add it to the feed for others to see.