Our Assessment Method

At Morton Executive Decisions, we have developed a streamlined and precise methodology to assess threats at various geographical levels, including countries, regions, and cities. We also provide organization and operational vulnerability data based on your activity and compliance in Predictions. Our innovative approach combines online and on-ground data from multiple reliable sources. To ensure the utmost accuracy, our dedicated team of experienced analysts contribute their expert analysis, which accounts for at least twenty-five percent of the comprehensive risk score.

Our assessment process is proprietary. We cannot share the entire process with our clients due to security concerns and business continuity. We provide as much information about the process as possible, and we trust that you will have faith in our expertise for the remainder.

  • Minimal threat levels, unrestricted travel.

  • Some threats are present, but can easily be mitigated through general training and services.

  • Elevated threats on multiple levels, some of which can be mitigated to lower risk through training and services. Residual risk is likely.

  • High threat and vulnerability on multiple levels, many of which cannot be mitigated without significant investment in training and services.

  • Threat and vulnerability evels are high enough to prohibit operations as well as require unique mitigation. Insurance coverage may not possible and cancellation may be the only mitigation.

Threat Categories

  • This category encompasses economic factors that affect security, politics, quality of life, healthcare, infrastructure and more. Almost every travel risk category has an economic indicator that affects the overall threat level.

  • The second leading cause of crises in foreign locations is related to ground transportation. This category includes indicators that cover all types of transportation, as well as critical infrastructure such as emergency response services and access to energy.

  • Some of the indicators we assess regarding healthcare include how many doctors, nurses, hospital beds, pharmacies, and the quality of healthcare provided. These are just a few of the indicators included in this category.

  • Crime indicators give us the ability to measure how much crime is being committed based on the percentage of the population. Crime data is often incomplete, but fortunately, we have experienced analysts to fill in the gaps.

  • We search for indicators related to ideology, fundamentalism, as well as foreign acceptance and targeting to ensure that you are prepared.

  • Political activity can change quickly, and we track many indicators of such changes. Additionally, we examine factors such as human rights violations, types of government structures, corruption levels, and much more.

  • We inclde cyber and information security threat levels through analysis of current cyber-crime trends specific to the location and activity of your organization.

  • Natural and man-made disasters are difficult to predict, but not impossible. We factor historical trends and data regarding locations that may experience a catastrophic event.

Vulnerability Categories

  • This category integrates a training score tied to individuals, specifically for reducing vulnerability levels.

  • We integrate current and officially recognized medical training and certifications into individual vulnerability scores to lower risk.

  • Based on the travel frequency of the individual, which we can track in Predictons, we can raise or lower the vulnerabiity score of that indivual.

  • Vulnerability can be reduced through the procurement of security services like dedicated security drivers or protection details.

  • Having a clear communications plan as well as geo-tracking capabilities can lower vulnerability scores significantly.

  • What your employees are doing plays a significant role in the vulnerability level of the individual and organization as whole. We can factor it into the score.

  • For travelers, insurance does not necessarily mitigate threats, but it does provide the organization with numerous response capabilities for evacuation and healthcare.

The Matrix

This is how we score our categories. Each category receives a weighted score between 1 and 25, based on the likelihood of experiencing the threat/vulnerability and the consequences of encountering it.

It is important to understand that some higher-threat countries may be scored the way they are due to healthcare or transportation concerns, not crime or political crises. The overall scores are very close to accurate and often fall in the medium level.

Threat assessments may appear to be higher than a full risk assessment and are never 100% accurate. That is because a risk assessment factors threat and vulnerabilities into it. A risk assessment also allows you to identify mitigating factors that can lower the vulnerability level, leaving an acceptable level of risk. We can provide current subscribers with a full risk assessment to ensure you are doing everything possible to mitigate the threats. You can order a risk assessment by clicking the Intelligence/Risk Assessments page.

We are very careful to provide the best assessment we can with the information we have. If you want a more accurate assessment of the location you are visiting or relocating to, please contact us and ask about our advance and vetting services.

Location assessments are completed based on open source and some paid source data. The information included is for research only, and any decisions made to travel to a location should be determined through multiple sources, including in-person consults, on-the-ground research, and more.