Vendor Vetting
All vendors that are added as external providers in Predictions are vetted for legitimacy. We do not endorse any third-party vendors, receive a commission, or share information on any vendor uploaded by our customers without the vendors express permission to be added to the general pool of suppliers. However, vendors can request to go through our supply chain risk vetting process and receive the Predictions Preferred status on their profile for a fee.
The Predictions Preferred vetting process includes the following;
Business Registration Verification
Business Structure and Ownership Verification
Business Formation Timeline
Security Policy and Training Standard Review
Liability Insurance Verification
Surety Bond Verification (if applicable)
Negative News & Media Check
Legal Action Check
Face to Face (typically virtual) Interview
The Predictions Preferred Certification is good for one year but can be revoked at any time based on periodic reviews of the vendors information.
Go through the vetting process during our beta-test period and receive a 30% discount on the vetting fee.