Building Trust and Empowering Organizations: A Consultant's Approach to Proactive Security

As a professional security consultant, I have witnessed the reactive nature of the industry firsthand. As an adjunct teaching physical security courses, it always bothered me how the textbooks and prevailing wisdom suggested approaching clients for security assessments only after they had been victimized. Why was it so difficult to convince customers of the benefits of proactive risk mitigation? Why weren't they eager to invest in securing their future? In my experience, relying on fear as a tool to sell security ideas was counterproductive and short-sighted. I realized that the key to long-term success lies in building trust, confidence, and empowerment. In this blog post, I will share my approach to proactive security consulting and how it can benefit organizations in the long run.

Gaining the Right Stakeholders' Trust:

To initiate a proactive security program, it is crucial to identify the right stakeholders within an organization. Pitching such a program to individuals who are not directly responsible for employee safety often leads to wasted effort. I focus on finding leaders, as they understand the concept of duty of care and regularly deal with overall customer and employee safety. If I cannot find a suitable leader, I move on to the next prospect. Convincing someone of their responsibility for health, safety, and security without a sense of accountability is a time-consuming endeavor that I cannot afford.

The Power of Effective Communication:

Once I have identified a leader and secured some time to talk, I employ a strategic approach of asking a lot of questions. While I may already have the answers, encouraging the leader to discuss their organization allows them to share their perspective on existing strengths and areas for improvement. By providing a professional listening ear, I alleviate the need to highlight all the potential threats and vulnerabilities. Instead, the leader points out their own concerns, enabling me to provide empowering solutions to mitigate them.

Tailored Solutions through Trust:

Before pitching my services, I ensure a comprehensive understanding of the leader's concerns. Security programs are not one-size-fits-all solutions, and there are no off-the-shelf remedies. By prioritizing listening, I can draw from past projects and lessons learned, presenting examples of how I effectively mitigated similar risks. This approach builds trust without resorting to fear as a tactic.

The Importance of Recognizing Expertise Gaps:

Clients often approach me with their security issues because they acknowledge their lack of knowledge in this domain. They recognize the need for professional help, which opens the door for collaboration. Once I have gained the leader's trust, I propose the idea of partnership, never claiming to have a prepackaged, long-term solution. Since security program development and implementation rely on principles rather than static tactics, I emphasize the importance of adaptability.

Empowering Leaders and Organizations:

To ensure successful implementation of a security program, I focus on building leaders' confidence. My goal is to provide a long-term solution that the organization can implement internally. Instead of relying on continuous external input, I empower leaders to take ownership of their security program. This shift in perspective changes the dynamic of the project, making leaders more accessible and involved in the decision-making process.

Balancing Risk Assessment:

During the assessment process, it is essential to involve the responsible leader(s) in identifying threats and vulnerabilities. However, I avoid pointing out risks without offering mitigating factors. A comprehensive risk assessment should consider both external threats and internal vulnerabilities. While threats are relatively easier to identify as they come from outside entities, vulnerabilities require introspection and constructive criticism.

From Problem Identification to Solution-Oriented Approach:

Presenting a list of organizational weaknesses in a meeting would erode trust and risk making my services redundant. Instead, I aim to provide value through solutions and mitigation strategies. I want to be seen as a problem solver who can help organizations operate safely and even grow despite the inherent risks they face.

Long-Term Success and Referrals:

My ultimate goal is to enable organizations to handle security internally by the end of a project. If they no longer need to call me for follow-up consultations, I consider it a success. However, successful projects often lead to additional projects or referrals, allowing me to sustain my consultancy as a professional security consultant.

Fear-based strategies have proven to be ineffective and short-sighted in the security consulting industry. By focusing on building trust, confidence, and empowerment, I have been able to forge long-term partnerships with organizations and provide tailored security solutions. Through effective communication, understanding clients' concerns, and emphasizing their responsibility, I empower leaders to take ownership of their security programs. This approach fosters growth, adaptability, and success, ensuring a sustainable consulting business and a safer future for organizations.


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