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Decision Making During a Crisis Requires Emotional Intelligence

Do you ever feel like you're constantly bombarded by one crisis after another with no end in sight? I know I do. My newsfeed is an endless stream of one catastrophe after another. Civil unrest, natural disasters, terror attacks, increased crime levels... When will it end? Can't we go back to the good old days when we dealt with one crisis at a time?

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You’re Banned! Lessons Learned from a Denied Border Entry

Traveling through conflict zones has become second nature in my line of work. I often find myself journeying into risky regions to provide essential support to organizations despite the potential hazards. Balancing mission success with personal safety is a constant challenge. However, as I learned firsthand, no matter how meticulous your plans, unforeseen circumstances can throw everything off course.

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Transportation, Leadership Peter Morton Transportation, Leadership Peter Morton

So, you need to hire an Executive Babysitter...

It's truly astonishing how much money top executives pour into protective security services. Can you believe that some of the biggest corporations out there are reportedly shelling out up to two million dollars per year just to ensure the safety of a single individual? And that's probably just the tip of the iceberg – the amount spent is likely much higher than what's publicly disclosed. Clearly, safeguarding lives has turned into an incredibly lucrative industry.

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Leadership, Crisis Management Peter Morton Leadership, Crisis Management Peter Morton

Building Trust and Empowering Organizations: A Consultant's Approach to Proactive Security

As a professional security consultant, I have witnessed the reactive nature of the industry firsthand. It has always bothered me how the textbooks and prevailing wisdom suggested approaching clients for security assessments only after they had been victimized. Why was it so difficult to convince customers of the benefits of proactive risk mitigation?

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Political, Leadership, Intelligence Peter Morton Political, Leadership, Intelligence Peter Morton

The Sound of Silence

High-profile crisis events like the War in Ukraine and the global economic downturn are overshadowing the catastrophic situations unfolding in developing nations such as Haiti, Sudan, Afghanistan, and Ethiopia. When the Western or developed world faces security concerns, economically vulnerable regions teeter on the verge of collapse.

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Leadership, Crisis Management, Intelligence Peter Morton Leadership, Crisis Management, Intelligence Peter Morton

Enhanced vs. Reliant

In today's digital age, we are increasingly reliant on mobile devices and technology to keep track of our daily schedules and plans. With the convenience of having a smartphone in our pocket at all times, it's easy to rely on it to keep us organized and on track. However, there are significant benefits to memorizing plans instead of relying solely on technology.

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