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Cell Phone Tracking and Targeting

In an era dominated by smartphones, our personal devices have become extensions of ourselves, housing a treasure trove of sensitive information. While the benefits of staying connected and informed are undeniable, the dark side of this digital age has seen a rise in cell phone tracking and targeting by both criminals and nefarious governments.

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Decision Making During a Crisis Requires Emotional Intelligence

Do you ever feel like you're constantly bombarded by one crisis after another with no end in sight? I know I do. My newsfeed is an endless stream of one catastrophe after another. Civil unrest, natural disasters, terror attacks, increased crime levels... When will it end? Can't we go back to the good old days when we dealt with one crisis at a time?

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Mental health is reshaping our understanding of security threats!

We're witnessing a profound shift in the landscape of security threats, and a significant part of this shift can be attributed to the inadequate medical treatment of mental health disorders and a lack of comprehension regarding their underlying causes. Consequently, there has been a marked rise in incidents perpetrated by individuals struggling with mental health issues, many of which could have been prevented.

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Invisible Explorer - The Art of Blending In

Traveling to foreign or risky locations is undeniably exhilarating, but it's imperative to prioritize safety and take measures to avoid becoming a target of opportunity. Having traveled extensively across the globe, I've witnessed enough to understand that being singled out, be it by criminals or government entities, can lead to financial loss, physical harm, and even, tragically, loss of life.

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Terrorism and Armed Conflict Peter Morton Terrorism and Armed Conflict Peter Morton

Understanding History and Overcoming Bias: Lessons from Ukraine

In recent months, my consultancy, Morton Executive Decisions, has been actively involved in Ukraine, conducting long-term needs assessments, facilitating refugee evacuations, providing humanitarian aid logistical support, and delivering tailored training programs for aid workers. As someone who has witnessed the conflict firsthand, I often hear people express their disbelief at the scale of the situation.

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Predicting an attack...its not rocket science!

The attack cycle is not considered to be a complex process for those operating in the shadows and it applies to all types of attacks. The cycle entails searching for a vulnerable target, conducting intelligence collection and analysis, deploying assets, executing the attack, exploiting the attack's results, and then beginning the cycle anew.

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