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Transportation, Leadership Peter Morton Transportation, Leadership Peter Morton

So, you need to hire an Executive Babysitter...

It's truly astonishing how much money top executives pour into protective security services. Can you believe that some of the biggest corporations out there are reportedly shelling out up to two million dollars per year just to ensure the safety of a single individual? And that's probably just the tip of the iceberg – the amount spent is likely much higher than what's publicly disclosed. Clearly, safeguarding lives has turned into an incredibly lucrative industry.

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Transportation, Extreme Travel Peter Morton Transportation, Extreme Travel Peter Morton

Choosing Safe Transportation

Exploring a foreign country offers a thrilling adventure, but it can also come with its fair share of challenges. One such challenge is driving safely in an unfamiliar land. Whether you're a traveler or an expatriate, understanding the local driving norms and practicing caution is crucial for a smooth and secure journey. This article aims to provide valuable insights and tips for driving safely in a foreign country, ensuring that your road trip remains a memorable and enjoyable experience.

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