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Crisis avoidance requires courageous leadership

I cannot recall how many crisis situations I have found myself in the middle of, but each one has something in common. The crisis typically provides opportunity for everyday individuals to step into a heroic role. I have seen employees put themselves in extreme danger outside of their area of expertise, to save a life in a war zone.

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Leadership, Crisis Management Peter Morton Leadership, Crisis Management Peter Morton

How not to get into a gunfight as a protection agent

As painful as it might be to acknowledge, 2020 proved to be a significant year for those engaged in risk mitigation as a profession. Never before has there been a more opportune time to glean real-world lessons on what not to do in times of crisis. From mishandling a pandemic response to mismanaging protests and even tarnishing one's reputation to the point of business downfall – the year offered a wealth of lessons.

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