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Healthcare, Extreme Travel Peter Morton Healthcare, Extreme Travel Peter Morton

Navigating the Process of Medical Evacuation from a Foreign Country

Traveling to foreign countries can be an exciting and enriching experience, but sometimes unforeseen medical emergencies can arise, necessitating a medical evacuation. A medical evacuation involves transporting individuals in need of urgent medical care from a foreign country to their home country or a medical facility with the required expertise.

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Crisis avoidance requires courageous leadership

I cannot recall how many crisis situations I have found myself in the middle of, but each one has something in common. The crisis typically provides opportunity for everyday individuals to step into a heroic role. I have seen employees put themselves in extreme danger outside of their area of expertise, to save a life in a war zone.

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Terrorism and Armed Conflict Peter Morton Terrorism and Armed Conflict Peter Morton

Understanding History and Overcoming Bias: Lessons from Ukraine

In recent months, my consultancy, Morton Executive Decisions, has been actively involved in Ukraine, conducting long-term needs assessments, facilitating refugee evacuations, providing humanitarian aid logistical support, and delivering tailored training programs for aid workers. As someone who has witnessed the conflict firsthand, I often hear people express their disbelief at the scale of the situation.

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Predicting an attack...its not rocket science!

The attack cycle is not considered to be a complex process for those operating in the shadows and it applies to all types of attacks. The cycle entails searching for a vulnerable target, conducting intelligence collection and analysis, deploying assets, executing the attack, exploiting the attack's results, and then beginning the cycle anew.

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Leadership, Crisis Management Peter Morton Leadership, Crisis Management Peter Morton

How not to get into a gunfight as a protection agent

As painful as it might be to acknowledge, 2020 proved to be a significant year for those engaged in risk mitigation as a profession. Never before has there been a more opportune time to glean real-world lessons on what not to do in times of crisis. From mishandling a pandemic response to mismanaging protests and even tarnishing one's reputation to the point of business downfall – the year offered a wealth of lessons.

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